A Full Meal of Thankfulness
As Thanksgiving passed, I realized one thing I was really thankful for....our cook! Suse is such a wonderful lady who cleans and cooks for us; it really is a blessing for my mom who has been awfully busy. One thing that led me to see this was from reading "Unbroken" as a family. Louie endured so much in his time during WWII, more than I ever could. Now I am especially thankful for our bountiful and yummy meals. I am also thankful for my growing friendship with Sophia, one of the Peters children. She is such a riot! Sophia, tu me fais rouler par terre! :) Jackie Chen (that's what I call her), "our dog" from our house area, sure is happy for that extra oatmeal. Just realized (22-Mar-16) this was posted on my friends birthday!