Shingai Primary School

On February 27, 2015 I went to Shingai Primary School (in uniform) for sports day. Four different primary schools (including Shingai) gathered together at the best track, to compete in track, relay, and the high jump (slightly different than ours). It only included grades 5-7 so I missed one of the village kids in 4th grade do the high jump. L
Since then I have gone two full days (leave at 6am, home at 5pm) and two half days (Fridays go 6-2ish) I have enjoyed my classmates, but sometimes the day seems to run on since English is their second language and my second nature so… The first term (from January to end of March) ends on the last day of March.
In my class there are 45 students (including me) and one teacher! Every morning we pull out our morning work notebooks and do our morning work out of the English book. Normally after I’m long done, the teacher will finally come in to class. The subjects change depending on the day except for English which is every day and used in every subject. Other subjects are English composition, Shona, Environmental Science, Maths, and Content, which consists of things like Bible and life lessons. Some days during the last hour or so if you have finished your work then you can go out for sports such as soccer, volleyball, or netball (a game I totally don’t get). Background note: I am the only white person!
This Friday, my last day I came to school to find 44 students (one kid was home sick) and no teacher! I quite enjoyed the extra time I got to spend talking to my friends, but not the upset teachers who came in, gave us a scolding and provided some tests or homework to keep us occupied and quiet (or a least they were supposed to). While walking home in 104 degree weather we passed the collage (form 1-form 6) and I found myself a ride home from Kufa! I wasn’t the only person who enjoyed the lift; Nomatter, Praise, Patricia, Definite and Tanashe (also from Shingai who happened to be walking by at a convenient time) got to beat the heat as a treat.

I’ve liked my time as a student of Shingai, but I miss being an Edu Prize student too. And as Shingai’s moto says “sweet comes from sweat” so kids back in “America” remember that in P.E. when you’re swimming in your sweat! I do that a lot.

The Wednesday Chapel Service 

My Class


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